Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hi All,

Dad ended up having a pretty good fever friday night. He went into a coma state. We couldn't get him to wake up or respond to us. The hospice nusrse had us crush up aspirin and we had to put it in honey to try and get it down him. He could not swallow. She came to our house shortly after and we opened the comfort box in the fridge. ( Hospice Supplies this but you cant't open it without a nurse). We were able to give him a tylenol supository and she called in for liquid meds. She suspects that he may have a started to become septic and we need to get antibiotics in him immediatley. I had only large pills that I just got from the pharmacy.

Lynne, Arnie, Jessica and Larry arrived that night and we all kept vigil. After getting the anitbiotics in him and the tylenol he seemed more responsive on Saturday. He knew we were there and who we are but he can not speek but maybe a few words. He is in and out of it most of the time and talks to someone alot. (Not us).

Saturday: We seemed to get him stable and sleeping but the pain was getting worse for him. SInce he can't take pills we had nothing to give him. Every time he had to go to the bathroom he nearly hit the ceiling and wanted to pull out the cathater. (He asked me to pull it out!)The hospice nurse had us start to give him the morphine in the comfort box. We started on that at .25ml every 4 hours but that seemed to do absolutely nothing. His pain was really bad. We called her back and she increased it to .5 ml and we wanted to get rid of the catheter. We were trying to eliminate the possible source of pain for him. It could be from the UTI and having the catheter in him, or it could be from the kidney stones or anywhere else, he can't tell us. Any way she talked us through removing it in which is fell out pretty easy.

Sunday Morning:We now have his comfort level pretty stable. He still winces some with pain but no where near what it was on Saturday and Friday. We are keeping in depends now and which I think is better for him, comfort wise. I think his whole body hurts from head to toe. We have to move him very gently and slowly. He is sleeping most of the time now.

Hospice nurse is on here way to help us change his bedding and gown. I will update more later.

PS. Thank You to all who have been reading and sending messages! Knowing the support of our friends is out there really helps!