Monday, October 8, 2007

A drink on Dad

Sunday evening we decided to have a dinner and drink on dad. He always wanted to pay for everything so we let him. After dinner we each talked to dad and told him it was time to go and to be with mom and that he didn't have to worry about anything here. We took care or everything and everything is under control. We each hugged and kissed him and told him our personal message. We then all stood around him and held hands. We blessed him with holy water from Lourdes, that my sister had gotten for my mom and I had it here. We said a prayer.
His breathing became less gurgly and more shallow. At 5:15 this morning he took his last breath and went to be with mom, his brother, his friend Monty and his parents and everyone else waiting for him.


Unknown said...

Beverly, Lynne, Larry and family. We want to express to you that our prayers and sympathy are with you. We want you to know that we are thankful to God for allowing us to know Hank and your family. Our hearts are sadden because we will miss him, but rejoice for he has gone to a better place. A place of rest and no pain. We will continue to pray for you and the family. With our love, Lou and Mary.

Patricia O'Neil said...

Bev,Doug and your entire Family. We are sorry your Dad has passed. I know you feel an emptiness in your heart and house.

He is now resting with your Mom and I know their is peace within you for that reason alone.
No more pain, medication, or hospitals.

Now you and your Family can rest.

Much Love and Sympathy,

Patty and Brian

Victoria said...

qUE ALEGRIA DE ESTE BLOG,CUANDO OS VEO REUNIDOS ,con cariño,alegres y compartiéndo,recuerdo a mi máma que hace muy poquito nos falta y no podrá sentarse en la mesa en estas fechas señaladas..Disfrutar,la vida es segundos..Recibid mi cariño desde España..besitos para todos Victoria